Dear Reader, What if I told you that you hold within you one of the most powerful tools available for overcoming your …
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Russia, Ukraine, and Oneness
Dear Reader, This is not the post I expected or wanted to write today. But on this cold, windy morning in Shetland, …

Are You Facing Your Fears?
Dear Reader, I have one simple but potentially life changing message today. But first, a powerful question for …

A Free Guide to Help Develop Your Intuition
Your free guide is here! You can think of intuition as the voice of your soul, and the key to accessing your inner …
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Choose Love
Dear Reader, What do you think of the idea that human beings are made of love? That love is an aspect of our true …

Life, Unfolding
Dear Reader, How is your year going so far? I hope you are thriving! My year has started in a very unexpected way. I …