Dear Reader,
In today’s post to help you transform your life in August, I am focusing on being present.
In any given moment, are you:
- taking in and fully experiencing your surroundings, including the information your senses provide?
- aware of the feelings in your physical body?
- fully experiencing your emotions?
- noticing and releasing thoughts and memories without getting distracted by them?
In other words, are you fully engaged with whatever experience or activity you are focusing on?
Yesterday, I was fully present when I saw bright yellow dandelions in a field of lush, deep, green grass.
What helps you be fully present?
I honor your loving heart,
I get lost in daily life like most do. I bring myself back and remind myself of where I am and take a deep breath and I feel good.
And Pamela, when you do get lost (as we all do) what is it usually that brings you back – is it a thought, a feeling, an action? I love a good deep breath too!