Dear Reader,
I’ve been covering some big topics lately – life purpose, making a difference in the world, fulfilling your dreams – and it can be easy to get, well… serious about it all!
That is the last thing you want to do to access your highest levels of intuition – the really good stuff.
We humans are playful spirits by nature. Deep down, you know this. Get quiet for a minute, go within and you’ll see what I mean. Remove all the daily distractions and habitual thinking, for even a few seconds, and from somewhere deep within a quiet sense of joy, a smile, or maybe an outright laugh is likely to surface.
Apply this playful nature to your dreams and purpose and you may make an entirely different set of life choices than you might have otherwise. These choices come from a different source – a part of you that is always loving, joyful and maybe even mischievous. This is the inspired part of you.
This is your spirit.
When you think about it, isn’t this what the world really needs? Isn’t this what you respond to in others?
If you are not having fun finding and following your purpose – it may be time to adjust your methods. Your intuition responds well to a light-hearted approach. Yes, there will be serious moments and yes, you may feel a full range of emotions in working with your intuition. But overall, your intuition will be at it’s bulls-eye best when you invoke it with a childlike sense of curiosity and playfulness.
On a physical level, when you smile or laugh, your body becomes relaxed, open and ready to feel intuitive signals.
On an emotional level, when you are joyful, your heart is engaged and non-judgemental; you are receptive to being surprised by your intuition.
Mentally, your mind becomes quiet when you lighten up. You are open to hearing the subtle signals of your intuition.
And on the level of spirit – you are connected to the source.
Dear reader, may your path be light, your joyful spirit unchecked and your possibilities endless!
I honor your loving heart,
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