Dear Reader,
One part of what I do in my work involves creating and interpreting numerology charts for clients. In recently rereading one of my favorite numerology books, “Numerology: The Power in Numbers,” by Ruth Drayer, I found this great quote:
“Maybe it is true that ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,’ but people are not dogs.”
I love that! No matter what age you are, or what your life circumstances, it is never too late to create change. Only our preconceptions and beliefs hold us back. How many times have you heard the “old dog/new tricks” saying? Lots! It creeps into our consciousness, and becomes part of the fabric of living we accept without question – unless we refresh our perspectives, as this quote by Ruth Drayer helps us do.
Our later years hold the opportunity for great insight, creativity and richness in our lives. Recent discoveries in neuroscience show us that the brain is actually capable of great plasticity and growth as it ages. Yes, habitual thinking – when unchallenged – can help set us in our ways, but habit is, in reality, the same choice, made continually.
What would you choose, Dear Reader? Are you ready to be an old dog, curled up asleep by the fire? In its time and place, that might be the perfect choice – as long as you do consciously choose it, rather than allowing it to unconsciously choose you!
I honor your loving heart,
Hi John,
I had a parallel experience yesterday, chatting with the fellow swimming in the lane next to me. He was talking about people retiring after 65 and it all being downhill. The average male in the US dies at 73. I said he was welcome to that viewpoint if he enjoyed it; however, that’s another generation. Medicine and medical technology advances so quickly that growing replacement parts for our bodies may be common place by the time we will need them. I went on to list other variables, diet, exercise, supplements, prenatal vitamins creating stronger bodies from the get go.
I don’t know if I convinced him. Either way, I swam my 3/4 of a mile plus whatever laps I lost count of. A warm beautiful day for swimming.
Blessings to you John.