Dear Reader,
As I write, we on the East Coast of the United States are less than two hours away from the Autumn Equinox – the astronomical transition from Summer to Autumn. And if you have followed my blog for a while, you know that Autumn is my favorite time of year, and that I am prone to write about the equinoxes and solstices.
Truth be told, I am fascinated by transitions of all kinds.
When I teach as a dance artist in residence, my favorite age to teach is middle school, because the kids are in that transition from childhood to teenage years. I have trained as a hospice volunteer and death doula, because I believe the transition out of life is profound, and deserves the utmost respect and compassion.
In my own life, I can look back at times of transition and, even if they were difficult, see them as times of incredible growth and insight.
But transitions aren’t always easy to recognize. Sometimes the change is so gradual you might not realize it is happening. Sometimes the change is so chaotic, you experience it more as suffering and confusion rather than transition. And sometimes – transition is filled with suffering and confusion!
One reason why I love the transition of seasons is that they inform me about how transitions feel, and what they look like. There may be a feeling of fullness, of harvest, like those ripe pumpkins in the photo, even as there is also an inner whispering to turn within and take stock. There may be a feeling that some aspect of life is ending, even before there is a glimmer of a new beginning.
That in-between time can feel scary, because it represents uncertainty, not-knowing. Yet that time is beautiful, and filled with potential for healing and new ideas. If you can be patient, the way nature is patient, you have an opportunity make great discoveries in your life.
So a few questions for you, dear reader, on this day of transition:
Are you, right now, in a major transition in your own life? A minor transition? A seemingly eternal, ongoing transition?! If so, what does it feel like? What does it look like? If you have a difficult time recognizing it, pull back and take a soul’s eye view of your life. What has led you to this moment, and these circumstances? Where might this path be leading? And where would you like it to lead?
If you are not in a transition right now, when was the last time you were? What times of your life did that transition bridge? And what season are you in right now?
No matter what you are experiencing now, honor that, especially today, or whenever you are reading this. Honor the journey, your courage, your humanity, and all of your triumphs and failures.
You, my fellow human being, are beautiful.
Happy Equinox.
I honor your loving heart,
Dear John,
Thank you so much for your blog on life and transitions. If gave me a moment in time to consider and think about the transitions I am and will be going through as well as changes of my loved ones. It gives me courage to embrace transitions and not to fear what awaits me.
Marsi, thanks for your comment, and you raise such a good point; sometimes it is the people around us who are going through the transitions, and it is so important to be able to hold space for them as they do. I would think your dancing is also a big help for you in embracing and navigating transitions – because how could it not be?!