Dear Reader, I have a list of favorite dances that span much of my adult life. Some are dances I have watched (any dance with Fred Astaire; the homeless man who danced his way through oncoming …
Your Inner Hallways
Dear Reader, Life is getting a whole lot busier for me as December progresses, with business and life decisions to navigate. I have to confess I got a little stressed out last week, and I began …
Are You Dancing?
Dear Reader, If you have read my blog before, you probably know that among other things, I am a dancer - and a big fan of using dance to loosen up and activate your intuition. So I have to ask - …
It’s Your Body
Dear Reader, Louise and I have been doing a lot of research lately about nutrition and health. The more we discover, the more we wonder if we are going to have to throw out half the contents of our …
Clean, clean, clean!
Dear Reader, Yesterday, we threw open the windows, got out the vacuum cleaner (or hoover, as they say here in the UK) got a big garbage bag and cleaned our house! Nothing like some serious cleaning …
Economy of Action
Dear Reader, OK, I confess. I am a dancer, and I tend to experience the world through movement and sensation. So I really shouldn't have been surprised... Louise and I went to a food and craft …