Dear Reader, I've been covering some big topics lately - life purpose, making a difference in the world, fulfilling your dreams - and it can be easy to get, well... serious about it all! That is …
Do You Want to Make a Difference – Part 2
Dear Reader, I am following up on last week's post because the topic, making a difference in the world, is so important. Many of us want to make a contribution that will help others live better …
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Do You Want to Make a Difference?
Dear Reader, I have a feeling that if you are reading my blog, you are someone who wants to make a difference in the world. You have a desire to make the world a little (or a lot) better. Maybe you …
The Secret to Fulfilling Your Dreams
Dear Reader, Let's get right to it; the secret to fulfilling your dreams is - getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Makes you a little uncomfortable just to read, doesn't it? We so …
Spring Equinox – Hooray!
Dear Reader, Today the sun passed directly over the equator. The Southern Hemisphere begins its winter, and we in the Northern Hemisphere mark the beginning of spring. Contrary to what some …
What’s Your Life Purpose – Part Two
Dear Reader, In a recent post, I told you that my life purpose is to love and be loved. Then I asked you what yours is. Have you thought about it? Life purpose is one of those huge topics …