Dear Reader, I don't always use this approach, but sometimes I like to pick a theme for the year as a way of helping me focus on what I want to create and experience. I have found that a theme can …
What Do You Love?
Dear Reader, Happy Valentine's Day! And what better day than today to focus on love? I love poetry, and I rediscovered that love over the weekend. Louise and I went on an overnight trip to an …
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Reader, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. For me, it has always been a relatively simple holiday, based on simple things - family, togetherness, caring and gratitude. Each of these …
Are You Willing to Receive?
Dear Reader, A few nights ago, I went for an evening stroll along the harbor here in Lerwick. My mind was racing with thoughts from the day as I started out, but I decided to let go and allow …
September 11 and Fear
Dear Reader, On this September 11, I am feeling the weight of the day more than on some previous anniversaries of 9/11. Perhaps it is because this year, I am living far away from the country of my …
Writing To Your Self
Dear Reader, Louise, my wife, is sitting on the sofa next to me, writing a poem about the difference between love and affection. Last night, my step-daughter Isla wrote a story for her English …