Dear Reader, As some of you know, every year around this time I choose a one word theme to serve as my guide and mantra in the upcoming months. I limit the theme to one word for clarity, …
What Do You Love, Part 2
Dear Reader, Here's a big question for you as we begin this new year: What do you love? I love... big questions! Those of you who follow the blog probably know that already. I particularly love …
Finding Your Soulmate
Dear Reader, I am feeling particularly blessed lately to have found my soulmate - she is my playmate, lover, best friend and wife, all in one. We met when I was 46 years old, after having been …
First Snow
Dear Reader, We got our first snow here in Southern Maine overnight. It was only a dusting, but it was enough to create magic. Two insights: Sometimes, it only takes a little effort to create …
Kids and the Creative Process
Dear Reader, I am currently working with two groups of eighth graders at a middle school here in Maine, to create dances that will be performed in a few days. Many of these students - …
From Me to You
Dear Reader, I am writing from the road this week, so I will keep this post short. I am thinking of you. I am thinking of you, and us, and all of humanity. These are truly amazing times we …