Dear Reader, I've been covering some big topics lately - life purpose, making a difference in the world, fulfilling your dreams - and it can be easy to get, well... serious about it all! That is …
Intuition and Your Best Next Step
Dear Reader, Sometimes, if the action you contemplate taking next in your life is not right for you, your soul won't let you move forward. Your intuition may be telling you to stay put, wait for …
Choose Your Relationship With the Universe Wisely
Dear Reader, Yesterday I tried an experiment. At the beginning of the day, I set the intention: "I am going to be unstoppable today." Guess what? The universe gave me a whole series of challenging …
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Ancestors and Wisdom
Dear Reader, I am late in posting tonight because I have been sifting through the 1940 U.S. Census, which was just released online a few days ago. I am fascinated by ancestry, and by the stories …
What’s Your Life Purpose – Part Three
Dear Reader, I have a little more to say on the topic of life purpose before we move on to other metaphysical concerns. I want to clarify a common misconception about life purpose - namely, that …
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What’s Your Life Purpose – Part Two
Dear Reader, In a recent post, I told you that my life purpose is to love and be loved. Then I asked you what yours is. Have you thought about it? Life purpose is one of those huge topics …