Dear Reader, This week marks my third year of blogging about intuition and consciousness here at Intuitive Cartography. As I look back, I see a journey in these posts through the inner landscape of …
What’s Your Life Purpose – Part One
Dear Reader, Mine is to love and be loved. What's yours? I honor your loving heart, John …
Fiction and Your Spirit
Dear Reader, I haven't read much fiction lately. Most of my reading these days is about consciousness, intuition, the body-mind connection and spirituality. But when I was a kid, on into my …
Things That Ping
Dear Reader, If you want to live an intuitive life, your main job is to pay attention for the "things that ping" in your life. Huh? That's right, the things that ping. Surely you've heard the …
Dear Reader, Those of you who followed my blog and "Year of Excellence" theme last year may remember that I talked about the inspirational power of picking a one word theme for the year. Not only …
2012 – It’s Here!
Dear Reader, First and foremost, I want to wish you a happy, healthy new year! May it be filled with laughter, love and success in all that you do. With all the buildup, it feels like 2012 has …