Dear Reader, As we watch catastrophic events unfold in Japan, Libya, the Middle East, and in Arizona earlier in the year with the shooting of United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, a …
Always Trust Your Guidance
Dear Reader, Do you trust your inner wisdom? When you get a thought that seems to come from nowhere, or a feeling you can't explain that just won't go away - do you pay attention? I hope so, …
Check-In Time
Dear Reader, March has arrived - how is your year going? Thanks to those of you who have left comments on the blog; I would love to hear from anyone who is willing to share, with an update or …
A Theme for the Year
Dear Reader, I don't always use this approach, but sometimes I like to pick a theme for the year as a way of helping me focus on what I want to create and experience. I have found that a theme can …
Use Your Intuition – “Just Because”
Dear Reader, Do you ever do something without knowing why you are doing it - you just have a feeling that you really want to do it? No, I am not talking about doing something because of a sense of …
Winter Solstice
Dear Reader, I have spent much of my day watching the light change outside my window. Today is the year's fulcrum for daylight; the official beginning of winter and the shortest day of 2010. From …