Dear Reader, This blog about intuition, spirit and life is one year old, as of last week. I have barely scratched the surface, during that time, of intuition and its many aspects. Writing is a …
Memory, Again
Dear Reader, Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself. I have a long list of great ideas for blog posts, but - I hardly ever use it. Far more often, I enjoy writing about the immediate, about …
How to Stimulate Your Creativity and Intuition
Dear Reader, What do you see outside your window right now? I see wind-driven snow, a choppy, deep green North Sea, and the bare outline of Bressay island across the harbor. Here's a fun …
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Orange Peels and Intuition
Dear Reader, A few days ago, I opened the lid of our trash can to throw something away. When I looked inside, I saw some orange peels that my wife had thrown out a few minutes earlier. As soon as I …
The Flow Of Life
Dear Reader, How often do you feel like you are living "in the flow" of life? By that, I mean that you feel a natural progression of events and actions; that your thoughts and actions feel aligned; …
Inner Peace
Dear Reader, How do you define inner peace? To me, it means the ability to be centered, comfortable and connected with your own self no matter what is going on around you. It doesn't mean that you …