Dear Reader, I have one simple but potentially life changing message today. But first, a powerful question for you: Are you facing your fears? Or are you avoiding them? Be honest. If you …
Two Ways to See in the Dark
Dear Reader, In my previous post, I wrote about the light within each of us. This week, I am focusing on the darkness within. We often think of our darkness, or our shadow, as scary. We see it as …
Summer Reading
Dear Reader, Now that summer is finally here, with Fourth of July celebrations coming up in the United States next week, I want to give you a few suggestions to help kick off your summer reading. …
Are You Led By Your Spirit or Your Wound?
Dear Reader, A good friend recently suggested I write a blog post on this topic, and I am happy to oblige. It is a big question, one I'm sure many of you can relate to. Have you ever been in a …
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Intuitive Activism
Dear Reader, Are you an intuitive activist? I am! But before you answer that question for yourself, let's take a close look at activism, and why I consider the support of intuition a form of …
Positive Thinking
Dear Reader, Do you practice positive thinking? I do. I'll tell you what I mean by positive thinking, and why I think it's a must in just a minute. First, I have to tell you about a great reminder …