Dear Reader, There is a saying in the Buddhist teaching tradition: "A short stick is a short stick, and a long stick is a long stick." The idea is that if you can see things exactly as they are …
Take the Panther’s Advice!
Dear Reader, In my last post, I discussed who has intuitive ability (everyone!) and explored the nature of intuition. I discussed the role of both the conscious and the subconscious mind. In this …
Does Everyone Have Intuitive Ability?
Dear Reader, The short answer to this question is: Yes. A longer answer to this question is: Yes, absolutely! Now that you know where I stand, let's take a closer look at intuition. I almost …
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Intuition – Why Me?
Dear Reader, So far in my posts, I have only set the table as far as intuition is concerned. Before we dig into the meat and potatoes, I want to give you an idea of who is serving you the meal and …
Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit
Dear Reader, What is most important to you in life? What makes you happy, and what do you long for? These questions, among others, and our attempts to answer them move us forward on our paths. …
Intuitive Cartography
Dear Reader, Welcome to "Intuitive Cartography," a blog about developing your intuition and much, much more. All human beings have the gift of intuition, whether or not we acknowledge it, develop …