Dear Reader, Today, the title of my post is essentially the post itself. Just a question for you to answer, for yourself. "What is true?" Next week, we will take a closer look together at …
Releasing Your Resistance to What Is
Dear Reader, For the last two weeks, I have been practicing releasing my resistance - even the slightest bit - to upcoming situations. Whether it is a busy day without down time, a meeting where I …
Intuition and Independence
Dear Reader, Today, many of you living in the United States are celebrating Independence Day. For me, "independence" represents first and foremost an inner way of being, more fundamental than even …
When Is Change Most Difficult?
Dear Reader, The title of this week's post is like a riddle, isn't it? Riddles keep you on your toes sometimes... Here we go: When is change most difficult? Answer: When you resist …
Do You Want to Make a Difference – Part 2
Dear Reader, I am following up on last week's post because the topic, making a difference in the world, is so important. Many of us want to make a contribution that will help others live better …
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The Secret to Fulfilling Your Dreams
Dear Reader, Let's get right to it; the secret to fulfilling your dreams is - getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Makes you a little uncomfortable just to read, doesn't it? We so …