Dear Reader, We humans are creatures who like to nest, aren't we? We create homes that are nested within communities. The community may be one of several nested within a town or city, which is …
Dear Reader, Today, I have very little I wish to say. Shall we just sit in silence together for a few moments instead? Let's take 30 seconds. Ready? You have to really do it, …
Finding Your Way
Dear Reader, It is morning here in Shetland as I write to you. The day is clear. As I look north across Lerwick Harbor, the sun is streaming brilliantly past my window from right to left. The water …
A Secret
Dear Reader, Can I tell you a secret? There are a lot of good people in this world. It's true. That's it; that's the secret. The problem is, we are often led to believe otherwise by …
Nantene and Malachor Speak – Channeling for New Times
Dear Reader, One practice that has served me well on my intuitive path over the years is to always remain open to guidance, no matter what form it takes. That approach has led to many surprises, a …
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Follow the Thread
Dear Reader, I have missed you, but I'm back. For you regulars, you may have noticed that I have not posted through the powerful transition from 2012 to 2013. This time, for me, has been a time …