Dear Reader,
Here we are, at the end of the first month of a new year. I am excited for all that 2019 will bring! We have eleven whole months ahead of us to make a difference in this world, and create lasting change – both in our own lives, and at the level of community, country and planet.
I don’t take this beautiful opportunity for granted.
Do you?
If you really think about it – eleven whole months – it’s hard not to be excited, and curious, and determined.
Now, it could be that as January ends, you feel like you haven’t gotten your act together yet for the new year, that you aren’t ready, or that you aren’t as far along as you’d like, or even that your life is in chaos already. If that’s you, take a deep breath, remember that you don’t have to do it all at once, and let’s flip that script.
Eleven. Whole. Months.
You can accomplish a lot in that time, but it’s important to maintain your perspective. People often overestimate what they can do in the short-term. They think they need to have it all figured out on January 1st (or, heaven forbid, they give themselves an extra day and wait until January 2nd.)
It’s ok to take your time.
That is actually what I have been doing. It wasn’t intentional at first; I was planning on having an amazing plan for the whole year in place at the beginning of the month. But what felt more important was to stay connected to my true self, and act from that feeling.
Not surprising, but that approach called for slowing down.
The holidays were a blur, with a trip to Shetland to visit family, along with unexpected consulting work to complete near the beginning of the year. That work continued into the month, along with my individual client work. Throw in the usual unexpected life stuff (power outages, cold spells – this is Maine, after all), I have found it challenging at times to stay connected and deeply present to who I really am.
Now we are house sitting for friends who are off having an adventure. We are at their place, at the end of a dirt road on the side of a mountain, overlooking the hills of Western Maine and the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
After a day of wandering from room to room, enjoying the view, watching the snow fall, and simply being with my thoughts, I have been reminded of an insight I want to share with you as you move further forward into this exciting new year.
Expand your vision.
I thought about it as I looked out over the hills, the trees, the fields. More importantly, I felt that expansion in my heart as I relaxed, slowed down a little, and allowed myself time to reflect and simply be present.
Feeling can be so much more helpful than thinking sometimes.
So here I am at the end of January, feeling excited, and motivated, and knowing that my vision for the year is still forming, still growing. I will give it a little more time. At some point, it will feel ripe and ready.
What about you, dear reader? Are you committed to having a vision for this year? Are you willing to allow that vision to expand, and be bigger than you might have initially imagined? And are you willing to give yourself the time it takes to remain present and true to who you are in forming your vision?
If you are committed, and willing, so much is possible for you this year. Yes, you may be busy. Yes, you may even feel overwhelmed at times. Do what you need to do in order to manage your days, including your spiritual practices that help you move forward no matter what.
But remember also the importance of daydreaming, and creating a vision for your life, and allowing that vision time to expand – possibly beyond the edge of your comfort zone. It is too easy to collapse your possibilities into the safe and the familiar.
Daily routines can give shape to your life and help you move forward.
Lack of vision can stifle your growth.
May you live with joy and ease this year, dear reader, and may you step into your bigger vision.
I honor your loving heart,
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