Dear Reader,
As we approach the end of our Year of Excellence, I have been thinking a lot about what it takes to keep moving forward, to stay focused on our dreams and goals. After all, now that we are in November, wouldn’t it be easy to coast the rest of the way through 2011, or get stressed about all the things we still want to do before the ball drops, or give up on our plans altogether? Last week I wrote about how our sense of commitment keeps us going, but sometimes a little inspiration helps. The question is – where do we find it?
Last week I took inspiration from an article about a truly amazing humanitarian effort. I won’t repeat the whole story here; I urge you to read the article for yourself. It had me crying crocodile tears. In a nutshell, one man has been responsible for creating over 12,000 thousand new libraries in some of the most remote parts of the world – and he’s just getting started. He makes the case, in a profound way, that a tiny amount of effort – one donation, one box of books – can make a world of difference to a lot of people.
Now that’s good news, isn’t it?!
But wait. Aren’t we told every day that it’s a horrible world out there, filled with bad people doing bad things?
It’s not. In fact, there is so much good being done in this world right now, in every moment, that we can’t keep track of it all. Sometimes we may lose sight of this fact, or we may have to look hard to find the good news, but it’s out there.
It is up to us, dear reader, to actively seek out that good news, so that we can maintain our own motivation and be inspired to make our own good news in the world. Sometimes, if we only wait passively for our inspiration, we get inundated with negativity. That’s why we must go find the good. Going one step further, I suggest that once we find it, we share it. One aspect of Facebook I truly love is that people tend to put good news and uplifting stories on their pages. For you Facebook users, have you noticed that?
I found out about the article mentioned above through the weekly email digest I receive from theĀ Good News Network. The site has been around for several years with the simple intention of sharing good news, so if you haven’t discovered it yet, do take a look.
The power of a good deed can uplift us all. That kind of power, we can build on. So if you are looking for a little motivation to follow through on your plans, I urge you: go find some good news to inspire you and help you remember that you are not alone on your journey.
I honor your loving heart,
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