Dear Reader,
Last week I wrote about the importance of developing quick ways to raise your vibe when your energy levels feel low. This week, I have an important related question:
Why bother?
Along with the fact that you will immediately feel more energetic and more alert when you raise your vibe, you will feel more joyful, more connected to your soul and more curious about life.
If that isn’t a good reason to stop everything and check your vibe – what is?!
When you approach your life from that feeling state, you will be more passionate and more committed to noticing and acting on your intuition. Imagine how your results will change when you choose projects that resonate with the “high vibe” you, rather than the “low vibe” you. That one energetic shift can change your entire life.
The importance of raising your vibe before deciding what you want next in life is an important ingredient left out of “The Secret,” a popular law of attraction book and movie.
Raising your vibe can be an easy step to overlook, because you may not realize that your vibe is low to begin with. Over time, your energy drops a little more each day, and you may not notice the difference. Everything feels “normal.” But are you really operating at the high level a unique, vibrant soul such as yourself is capable of attaining?
So check your energy levels now and then, even when you don’t think it’s necessary. It’s just good, preventative self-care. Don’t wait until you feel like a total lump before you do something about your vibe. You are an energetic, vibrational being – a miracle, really – so treat yourself as one!
I honor your loving heart,
Not to sound negative here, but I had to leave the US so I could work on this. Now I’m not trying to bash the US here, but for many years I struggled with my hypersensitivity to people’s vibes. Even the 24 hr news cycle, the hurried or busied culture, faster higher quicker fear frenzie impacted me. Moving to New Zealand and getting involved with nature, organics etc has helped. Working with trees and growing plants, developing bees draws me into a dialogue with the earth. The earth has her own vibe. This in turn helps me take inventory of what’s going on in me. In the past I would notice negativity in others and feel drained. So I remind myself of this. Nature helps!
Hi Diane – I agree, spending time in nature is one of the best ways to shift your energy! And regardless of the path you followed to arrive at a deep connection with nature, I’m sure it’s no accident you are in New Zealand for a variety of reasons.