Dear Reader,
I am feeling particularly blessed lately to have found my soulmate – she is my playmate, lover, best friend and wife, all in one. We met when I was 46 years old, after having been divorced and spending several years alone. During my alone years, it felt like the search was taking forever! Next came a relationship that had me wondering if this was the one – only to find out she was not.
But I didn’t give up.
In fact, after the serious relationship that didn’t work out, and a breaking up process that took two years (you know that kind of breakup, right?) I was more resolved than ever to find my soulmate.
When we found each other, I knew it almost immediately.
And I know exactly how I did it.
The process became more clear with each step, and after we found each other, I gained even more insight on how we had arrived in each other’s lives.
Today, especially for the readers who are not in a relationship right now, I want to share three tips that may help you find your soulmate too. And if you have already found your soulmate, these tips can be applied to other major areas in your life.
Ready? Here we go.
- Know that you are worthy. Yes, you are. We are all worthy and deserving of great love, and it is out there – as well as within you. But for a long time, I struggled to feel worthy. Doing some deep personal work helped me get there.
- Be willing to fully commit to the process. Decide that you want to be with your soulmate, no matter what. It doesn’t mean you should be dissatisfied by being alone; in fact being ok with being alone helps take the pressure off and allows you to enjoy life immediately. But for a long time, I was ambivalent about really committing to finding my soulmate. It was only when I resolved on a whole new level that I would find her, that things really started to shift.
- Ask for guidance. Finding your soulmate is not an intellectual or analytical process; it is an intuitive process. Get clear on what you love, and what it feels like. Let go of expectations. Then engage your imagination to prime the pump, and ask your intuition to guide you. Be ready for twists and turns!
Dear reader, this is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, so look for more about finding your soulmate in the near future. You can do this. These three tips will get you started, and if you have questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
I honor your loving heart,
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