Dear Reader,
There is a saying in the Buddhist teaching tradition: “A short stick is a short stick, and a long stick is a long stick.” The idea is that if you can see things exactly as they are without your own expectations, beliefs and desires getting in the way – you can be that much more at ease in life. In other words, you don’t expend a lot of energy or worry trying to convince yourself or pretend that a short stick is really a long stick just because you wish it was.
This way of seeing also frees you up to recognize and accurately hear your intuitive voice, without interference from the voice of worry, or memory, or wishful thinking. Your intuitive voice is always there, waiting to be heard, with clarity and depth of feeling, when you get out of your own way.
That’s all I have to say today – a short post is a short post, and a long post is a long post!
I honor your loving heart,
And a post is a post. I liked this posting. I like your writing, clear, logical like a mason laying brick one idea at a time. Blessings to thee
Thanks Arianna – and blessings back!