Dear Reader,
Are you an intuitive activist? I am! But before you answer that question for yourself, let’s take a close look at activism, and why I consider the support of intuition a form of activism.
A Definition of activism
Merriam-Webster defines activism as: “a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct or vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.” This is an excellent definition for our purposes, and here’s how it applies to my view of intuitive activism.
I advocate for all of us to develop our intuition as a practice. This practice involves developing our full range of human capabilities. I don’t consider this a doctrine (which sounds very bureaucratic and prescribed to me) but a practice, because it is a natural, organic process.
My advocacy consists of vigorous action, because I blog about and teach this process. More than that, I live my life based on this process.
I advocate in support of one side of a controversial issue. What is the issue, and why do I say it is controversial? The issue itself is complex, but in mainstream circles probably involves whether intuition even exists, and if it does, deciding what it really is, as well as what its role should be in relation to the intellect. The controversy arises from the great emphasis placed on the intellect in these times. I do not advocate in opposition to the use of the intellect; there is a time and place for that. I advocate in support of the use of intuition in our lives as a powerful part of our natural human ability.
A closer look at intuition
My simple definition of intuition is “any trans-rational way of knowing something.” Whether intuition exists is actually a settled question. A large and growing body of psi research consistently shows the presence in humans (and some animals) of a small but significant psi factor. “Psi” refers to a mental capacity for knowing that transcends time and space. An excellent resource to find out more about this research is the book “Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality”, by Dr. Dean Radin.
We are still in the process of defining what intuition really is, partly because it is subtle and appears in so many different ways. It can take the form of a thought, a feeling, a vision, an audible message, a sign that appears in the environment, a communication from another person… All of these forms provide information that transcends rational knowing.
We live in a society driven by information, although I have written in past posts about how we are already moving beyond the information age. The role of science has grown in prominence over the past several centuries, to the point where it dominates the role of the inner life in our experience.
Science is hugely important in our growth and evolution, of course, and it is ironic that some groups attack the credibility of even settled science. These attacks are often based in religious preference, or political affiliation.
In my support of intuition, I advocate for balance. There is a time and place for the scientific method, but never at the expense of the inner life, and inner wisdom.
The bottom line
We humans are constantly evolving. We are growing in depth and consciousness, and redefining the balance of head and heart in our lives. The pitting of science against spirituality is ultimately a false conflict, and we are finally reframing the relationship between the two.
We are both rational and intuitive beings, and more than ever we are being called upon to live our lives accordingly. A controversial view? Perhaps. I would say that anyone who advocates for or places a high priority on any aspect of the inner life and its expression in the outer world – think the traditional arts or any form of creative expression, including the sciences, as well as any form of non-traditional form of healing, coaching or counseling – is an activist. If you live your life as an intuitive, creative being, you are making a statement in the world, and are potentially an intuitive activist.
Your heart is the doorway to your intuition. So in fact, given the turmoil our world is currently experiencing, anyone who takes a stand for the wisdom of the heart is practicing a form of activism.
So finally, dear reader, where do you stand? Are you an intuitive activist? Leave a comment and let us know. Regardless of your viewpoint, I would love to hear from you!
I honor your loving heart,
Bravo John! Yes. I am. Love and appreciation to you! -Kara
I agree Kara, you definitely are an intuitive activist! love and appreciation to you as well!