Dear Reader,
One practice that has served me well on my intuitive path over the years is to always remain open to guidance, no matter what form it takes. That approach has led to many surprises, a lot of fun – and some excellent guidance!
My intuition takes many forms, but the one I want to tell you about today is channeling. To be honest, the decision to share this information in a very public way has not been easy, and has been years in the making. Let’s face it, channeling is not an everyday practice, and some people are just gonna think it’s weird. The fact that I channel may mean that I never get invited to the White House.
I am ok with that.
Before I go any further, let me tell you a little about channeling.
The traditional view of channeling involves a channel (person doing the channeling) bringing information into conscious awareness that appears to come from somewhere outside, often from an energy, entity, spirit or “higher being.” These beings are considered separate from the channel, who often (at least through the earlier part of the Twentieth Century) went into a deep trance to receive their messages. Popular examples would include Edgar Cayce, known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” and Jane Roberts, who channeled Seth.
My view, based on my own experience and the experience of others in recent years, is a bit different. I believe that we are all part of One Presence (which some would call God, others Universal Awareness, etc,) meaning that on the deepest level there is no “outside” for information to come from. We are all part of the same thing, so we all have access to all the information.
For this reason, I usually say that the guides I channel are part of me, yet not. Although they may be related to different aspects of my personality, they are not purely that. Although they may be related to different archetypal energies, they are not purely that either. They are unique – but not separate. Maybe in another post I will discuss further how this all works, but it’s not my highest priority to figure that all out, or to explain it.
On a broad level, we all channel. We access information on a regular basis that simply can’t be explained by our everyday awareness or by our subconscious awareness. Many artists are channels. On a deeper level – available to us all – some people access information that is delivered in the form of messages from a specifically identified source. This is one of the many ways I have received guidance for the past ten years.
I do not go into a trance when I channel. I am fully conscious, but it is as if I am sitting off to the side listening to my guides. I am rarely aware of what I will say before it is said, but in a full session I talk for roughly 75 minutes without ever worrying about what to say next. It’s fun! And I feel completely energized afterwards; in ten years, I have never, ever felt drained after a session. I remember some of what is said for several hours afterward, and then I forget all but a few key points.
I channel two guides who I have come to know as Nantene and Malachor. They are two delightful, loving energy forms, each with very different characters – and believe me, they are characters! Nantene is old and wise, with a wicked sense of humor. He loves a good laugh, and he loves to talk. My body posture changes when he comes through and so does my voice. Sometimes, believe me, I have wished that part didn’t happen, but that’s the way the energy, the messages and I intersect. So be it.
Malachor, on the other hand, is a little more intense, more directly powerful. He is also very loving, but he does like to get to the point and he doesn’t mess around. For Malachor, my voice becomes deeper and my body posture becomes more upright.
Nantene always kicks off the session, talks generally first and then allows questions – often asking questions of his own – before yielding the floor to Malachor, who follows the same format and usually focuses on the same themes.
Sometimes they give the recipient breath work to do, questions to reflect on or other experiential exercises. Sometimes the information shared is information I should normally have no way of knowing. The nature and quality of the information depends on how completely I can get out of the way (hence the name channel!)
In case you’re wondering, they never show up unannounced. They don’t just pop out in the middle of dinner. They only come through when I get quiet, set the intention, and ask.
So what do you think dear reader? This is not everyone’s cup of tea. I have found that even for some people who are into new age spirituality, channeling is one bridge too far. It’s funny how we all have our lines of believability we struggle to cross – for some of us, aliens are fine, but ghosts? No way! Astrology? Of course, and when is the next Mercury retrograde? But Telepathy? Not a chance.
I am curious about all of it, and I am happy to explore what feels right to explore.
I would be lying if I said it hasn’t taken me a long time to get to this point. And that’s why I am excited to share, for the first time, transcripts from some of the recent sessions conducted with my wife Louise. She generously transcribed the recordings, and once we both read them, we realized that much of the information given to her is universal and may be of use to others. That is our hope. The first set of transcriptions is available by clicking on the banner titled “Nantene and Malachor Speak” on the right side of my home page.
After ten years, the journey is just beginning.
I honor your loving heart,
This is one of your most insightful postings. Thank you for introducing us to your guides. We all have them, it’s just finding that little place to communicate with them, properly with respect.
We’re living in unusual times. I know every age feels that way, but as I look at all the medications out there, we’re more likely to seek professional help in the form of a pill. It’s the social programming. We still fear mental illness or being judged for finding our path. Being here in NZ its a little easier as I’ve surrounded myself with creative people. We’re not afraid of Hobbits;-).
Well said, honey! It is a true gift that you have and I am so grateful to be part of it. I know that Nantene and Malachor’s teachings will help and inspire a lot of people.
Thanks Sweetheart! It wouldn’t be happening without you, for which I am so grateful.
You two are amazing! Great work! I admire you two for sharing this.
Thanks Diane and yes, we do live in unusual times – and that’s a good thing!
Happy Monday, John!! just getting caught up on some reading… thank you for sharing this, it took a lot of courage. I may not channel, but I feel very tuned in to the spiritual realm… who am I to say channeling can’t or doesn’t happen? It’s like the Biblical gifts of the Spirit… they are gifts, intended for anyone who will receive, but not everyone will take them.
Have a wonderful day!!
The other JM =)
Thanks John, I really appreciate that! And since channeling can look different for each of us, who knows – maybe you have channeled without even realizing it. I like the idea of “gifts being intended for anyone who will receive,” and we probably have more gifts available to us than we can begin to imagine!