Soul Jumpstart (30 Day Program)
This is an intensive 30 day mentoring program for heart-centered people who feel they have something more to offer the world, feel there is something lacking in life, or feel as if they have been drifting along with no sense of direction. In this program you will: see clearly, without judgement, where you are in your life right now; discover your deeper purpose and desires; reveal the old beliefs, habits and patterns of self-sabotage that have been holding you back; access your intuition to find the best way forward; start taking inspired action to manifest your vision. Get started now
Mentoring for Fully Expressing Souls (3 Month Signature Program)
This is a deep dive mentoring program to find your life purpose, follow it, and transform your life. This program is designed to guide you through a seven step process to live as a fully expressing soul in the world, experiencing more joy, more peace, more purpose, while sharing your gifts with others. If you are willing to make the commitment, you will have guidance and support every step of the way. Get started now