Dear Reader,
Last night I led a dance class for school teachers. Most of them had little dance background, and they were understandably nervous. They were very willing to try, and over the course of the evening, they grew excited about learning the dance we were working on.
Near the end of class, we took our places to run through the whole dance from start to finish for the first time. I was in the front with my back to them, so they could follow. The lead-in music began, and I could feel that the focus and energy behind me was scattered – including me.
We weren’t ready.
As the beginning musical cue approached, I called out “Everyone take a full, deep breath… and let the air out.” I felt the energy of the whole group shift. We became present, focused, aware of our bodies in space, ready to move with intention.
One focused breath was all it took.
Your breath can be your greatest tool. When you are nervous, tired, or in a stressful situation where you are struggling to focus and be ready to do your best, you have the ability to take one full breath and immediately become fully present and ready to go.
We often take our breathing for granted, but its effect can be powerful when we consciously put it to work for us. One breath, after all, is the act of living. So sometime today, dear reader, or over the next few days, I call on you to at least once (or several times) to consciously use one full breath to become calm and focused.
Do report back – I’d love to hear how it works for you!
I honor your loving heart,
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