Dear Reader,
Last week, I wrote about a new spirituality for the twenty-first century, why it is unfolding now, and what it looks like. Since publishing that post, I’ve been thinking about what might be at the heart of the new spirituality we are evolving into.
What do virtually all religions, mystical traditions, and spiritual practices point toward?
What do we discover when we go within, when we ask “Who am I,” and “What is life really about?”
Even though everyone might have a different experience when they inquire – they might find experiences or answers that look different from everyone else’s – but could it be that underneath, the clues all point to the same thing?
I contend that they do, and what they point to is:
In other words, on a level far deeper than (but including) our everyday human experience, we are all part of the same thing. As is everything we see around us, and everything that ever has been or will be.
It’s all one thing – and even the word “thing” is misleading. Oneness has no edges, no boundaries, no separation.
One God, one life unfolding, one consciousness.
Our sense of separation is simply part of the human experience, the illusion we carry just because we are alive.
What do you think, dear reader? Does oneness “ping” for you? Do you say “No way!” Or are you somewhere in-between? I urge you to explore for yourself.
And here is another important question: If it is true that all is one, what does that mean for how we live our lives?
If you explored, inquired, and found this idea to be true in the deepest core of your being, how would you live accordingly?
Often, we separate our spirituality from how we show up in the world. Often, there is a disconnect between what we believe and how we live.
But if everything is one, isn’t your life your ultimate expression of your spirituality?
For this week, I will leave these questions with you to investigate. Next week, I will offer a few ideas about what life might look like lived in oneness.
Maybe I should have titled today’s post “Oneness, Part One”…
I honor your loving heart,
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