Dear Reader,
A few weeks ago, my intuition told me to “say no a little more often.”
I have been on a rampage of “no” ever since, and it still continues. I feel fantastic – lighter, more confident, more focused, more determined and more relaxed.
Saying no is a powerful tool in engaging your intuition and putting it in action, because it frees you from the burdening energy of unwanted obligations. You are then able to focus more clearly on what you do want.
How did I get that guidance?
I asked.
I sat, got quiet, and asked my intuition for the guidance that would be most helpful right now. I recognized the guidance, “say no a little more often,” as such because it came to me as a clear, peaceful thought, free of any emotional attachment. It was quiet. It was precise. And it felt right. Guidance you can trust is guidance you don’t have to think about – you just know.
I got that particular guidance during the time I sat and waited. Sometimes get it later – while I’m in the shower, as I’m drifting off to sleep, as I’m taking a walk, while I’m writing. The common denominator is that during all of those times I am relaxed and receptive.
Do you need to go on a rampage of no? Or is your guidance telling you something different? Relax, get quiet, be open – and see what happens!
I honor your loving heart,
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