Dear Reader,
This is the last of my “seven posts in seven days,” beginning on New Year’s Day. The week has gone quickly! Some days, I was eager to write a post; other days, I was a little resistant. I tried mainly to pay attention to the process, notice my feelings – and complete what I started. I feel better for having done it, and I hope I have shared a few insights you find useful.
When I think about where that idea – seven posts in seven days – came from, I review the energy I felt when I had the idea. I felt a real “ping,” a feeling of rightness that often accompanies intuitive guidance. I know the idea was not a whim, nor was it an intellectual decision. It came seemingly from nowhere, but it was clear, and firm. The feeling that accompanied the thought implied, “Do this.”
Intertwined with this train of thought is reflection on the concept of New Year’s Resolutions. Plenty has already been written about what they are, what they aren’t, whether they work, whether they don’t… We are each drawn in our own way to the power of cycles and timing in our lives. When you live an intuitive life, you are sensitive to the way you follow cycles, how they feel, what kinds of action they call for.
Whatever choices we make, whether a New Year’s resolution or not, we are called on to show resolve. I love that word. To me, resolve equals commitment to a vision, plus the persistence of right action to carry the vision through to completion. It is so much easier to have resolve when your idea, and the choice to create it, comes from that clear, powerful internal voice that says “do this.”
Dear reader, may you recognize the ideas that are most important for you to create this year, and have all the resolve you need to carry them through.
I honor your loving heart,
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