Dear Reader,
Can I tell you a secret?
There are a lot of good people in this world.
It’s true.
That’s it; that’s the secret.
The problem is, we are often led to believe otherwise by what we see in the media every day. In the past, what’s “good” hasn’t made headlines that sell. People have been easily swayed by fear and negativity.
Let’s change that, shall we?
In truth, I believe the focus is already changing. More and more people are focusing on the good in others, and the good in life. Goodness may even take over the world.
My first major realization that the world is way better than the societal narrative would have me believe was when my best friend and I hitchhiked 16,000 miles around the United States, over the course of a year and a half, after we graduated from college in the early Eighties.
People told us to be careful, that there were a lot of bad people out there, that we shouldn’t go certain places, that it was ok to hitchhike in the Seventies, but not in the Eighties….
You get the idea.
We found those warnings to be wrong.
We found a world full of kind, generous people; a world that felt very different than the world described to us before we left. That experience changed forever how I viewed people, and the world, and the stories we are told about “the way things are.”
Yes, we hear about a steady stream of horrible things that happen every day – my point is that the untold good far outweighs any of that.
In fact, here’s a second secret – there is good in everyone. No exception.
Let’s continue to choose the good, and let it start with each of us.
I honor your loving heart,
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