Dear Reader,
Intuitive guidance takes time to develop. The rewards are great, and the partnership you create among your intellect, your feelings, your intuition and your soul is powerful.
One thing that helps me the most to strengthen my intuitive ability is – practice. Lots and lots of practice. Even now, after years of teaching others to develop their intuition, I practice constantly.
I love this practice. I am fascinated by what I discover, and what I experience. This joy, this childlike sense of wonder, makes my practice light and easy.
Make no mistake, I am consistent in my practice, and thorough, and specific. Developing your intuitive ability is an art and a science. But it is also a game to be played, and one beautiful part of a much bigger path – the path of knowing yourself, your soul, and ultimately your source.
So, dear reader, don’t hesitate to be an artist, a scientist and a child. Play, experiment, and practice, practice, practice!
I honor your loving heart,
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