Dear Reader,
Today’s effort is my last post of 2011. Every Monday for the past year, I have written about ways you can make 2011 a “Year of Excellence.” Now, at last, we are at the end of our journey, with less than a week to go. How has the year been for you?
Now is the perfect time to take a final look back – and a good look ahead. What have your big accomplishments been over this past year? What gave you great joy? What did you love about the year? And, since it’s all food for thought (and opportunity for great growth,) where did you fall short of your expectations, or get sidetracked in ways that interfered with your clarity? Where did you experience pain this year?
I recommend that you spend some time reflecting on each. Write about all that has happened, talk about it with a friend or loved one, meditate on it – however you choose to do it, devote a little time to focusing on your path. Be honest, yet kind. Be open, and be attentive. Make it a big ritual, or a simple time for reflection. But do give yourself this gift.
Once you have a sense of what stood out for you in 2011, shift with relaxed attention to where and who you would like to be next year at this time. Let it come to you in whatever way it does, whether visually, in writing, in sound or just in clear, knowing thoughts.
Then ask yourself, “What would it take for me to get there? What would it take for me to be that person? Is there anything I need to let go of to make that step? What would I need to allow or add?” Write it down, speak it, draw it… and claim it as yours.
Congratulations, dear reader, you have done it! I hope you have had an excellent, amazing, wonderful, insightful year. I hope in at least some way, you have surpassed what you thought possible, been surprised in the best of ways by what you have accomplished, felt more joy and been a little more at peace than you might have envisioned at the beginning of the year or, if you have faced challenges in 2011, I hope you have learned and grown from them a little more than you thought you might.
I thank all of you who have stuck with me throughout the year, and I hope these posts have been a help in some way. If nothing else, I hope you take away a few things:
– You can be more active in creating your life than you might have thought.
– You have vast resources within you, waiting to be tapped, and sometimes the most unconventional ways of accessing them are best.
– The inner journey, which is really the focus of this blog, “Intuitive Cartography,” is a beautiful journey, and satisfying regardless of the destination.
I would truly like to congratulate you for all you have done this year. And don’t worry, I have every intention of blogging on into the new year! I will not be focusing on the same theme, but I have lots of other tricks up my sleeve. I am very much looking forward to expanding my work and my reach next year, so check back often!
In fact, dear reader, I would love to hear from you. Whether you care to share how your year went, or have topics you might like to see me address in these posts, or want to ask questions you have about the inner journey – please do get in touch.
If 2011 has been a Year of Excellence, may 2012 be for you a Year of Transformation!
I honor your loving heart,
Thank you !
I hadn’t expected to complete the year when I stumbled into the process….it seemed like there was no way out, in a good way, although as I write this I remember feeling like I had stumbled into a marshmallow cloud. Yet like a marshmallow it was sweet and soft and the more I would push on it, the more it would push back…aha!…instead of my default nature of pushing through the process, I learned instead to bounce along with it….!!! Now all this thought of sweet marshmallows makes me hungry….and even hungry for learning more next year!
I love your image! And what it sounds like is that you really developed a love for the process itself, rather than the end destination. Isn’t that the way with the inner journey? Have a wonderful new year, with lots of learning ahead in 2012!
The marshmallow has gotten me back into performance art! Look out Wellington:-)!