Dear Reader,
Do you know what never ceases to amaze me? The discovery, over years of exploring consciousness and experiencing many different transformative practices – from lomi lomi to meditation to shamanic journeying – that all of those practices lead to the same place.
Deep down, when all our layers are peeled away, we human beings are made of pure love.
That truth is why I delight in every day of living, and why I sign all my posts the way I do.
I honor your loving heart,
Thank you for sharing that. What I found, from the first time I read your blog, how I’d see the sign off, note ‘John’ and then, oddly certain words seemed to hit me….causing me to really look at myself… Again clarifying how important words as intentions or intentions as words have an impact. Even words such as ‘ping’ ‘regret’ ‘energy’ …. All have deeper meaning. Now I know I sometimes think too much, so it’s very interesting how one word…. Can transform…. Seeing ‘honor’ makes it safe, ‘loving’ makes it possible.
The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity – love. And the story of a love is not important – what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.
Helen Hayes, 1900-1993
Thanks, John!
Hi John – It’s good to know my “name double” is still out there! Thanks for leaving a great quote; love truly is eternal, isn’t it?
All the Best,
Well said Diane. And that’s why I love doing single word meditations sometimes. It’s amazing how just focusing on the energy of the word “peace” can have a profound effect.
And sometimes as we grow, words have new meanings! Relax is one;-)!
“…….we have a ‘John Morris in Auckland as well as one we know in Melbourne ……. Both have crossed our paths…, and I walk by a ‘John Morris Scientific’ on my way to work….. Maybe it’s time to go in!
May you and your ‘team’ join forces? I went back to your earlier posts where you two met…. , put a smile on my face!