Dear Reader,
Our exploration of the soul continues, and today we are focusing on how your soul sends messages and guidance to your conscious awareness. The mechanism is something we all have…
Yep, intuition is the voice of your soul. You all are intuitive, and you are all equipped to receive the messages your soul has to offer.
Intuitive guidance takes a variety of pathways before arriving in your conscious mind, including:
- through your body. A feeling in your gut, a chill down your spine, a warmth in your heart – in fact, your heart could be considered the doorway to your intuition.
- flowing with your deepest emotions. A sudden state of peace, a bubbling up of unconditional love, an urgent feeling of danger – all contain information for you.
- via images or thoughts in your mind. These thoughts are not those of intellectual processing, but the clear thoughts that seem to come from nowhere, for no apparent reason.
- through a transformative, spiritual or mystical experience. Such experiences could include visions, dreams, channelled wisdom, or a feeling of total oneness while sitting next to a quiet lake.
Body, heart, mind, spirit. Four major mediums for your soul to use in letting you know what you truly want.
Here are two more: energy, and relationship.
How many times have you felt a surge of energy that leads you down one road instead of another, or to talk to a specific person at a party? Energy.
How many times have you been told exactly what you needed to hear, at exactly the right time – whether by a complete stranger, or by your best friend? Relationship.
You get the idea. The ways you can receive intuitive guidance are virtually endless, and those ways will look, feel and sound different for everyone. You can also see that it pays to take care of your body, honor your heart, clear your mind, and open to your spirit so that you can more accurately connect with your soul’s wisdom.
This ability, this deep soul connection, is where we are headed as a species. It is our next evolutionary step.
And it is happening now.
So please, dear reader, renew your vow to pay attention to those sensations, those feelings, those thoughts, and those visions. You are tapping into your soul’s awareness. Each time you do, you are helping us all evolve a little bit more.
And do treat yourself, and others, with the reverence you each deserve. That means if you struggle at first, or for a while, to pick up intuitive messages, don’t be hard on yourself. Go easy. It is your natural state, so allow rather than force.
Intuition is fun; your soul wouldn’t have it any other way!
I honor your loving heart,
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